What is OnyaList?
OnyaList is a list building system that you can use to promote any website, blog, or affiliate page you like and NEVER lose a lead again.
Can I earn money with onyaList?
YES. You can earn money when you promote your own sites using the Onyalist system and you can earn commissions directly from Onyalist by telling others about this fabulous site.
How does OnyaList work?
OnyaList is a very simple system. You can create a capture page in less than 5 minutes using the easy 1-2-3 step system tools in the members area. You can use your capture page to send people to any site you want them to go to and capture all your leads in an auto responder and in your back office at OnyaList at the same time so that you will - Never Lose a Lead Again.
I am NOT tech savy - will I be able to use Onyalist?
Yes anyone can use OnyaList. Watch the demo video in on the main sales page, or in the training section of the members area to see how easy it is to create a stunning capture page.
Can I use my own background images on my capture page?
OnyaList offers dozens of background images that you can use to create stunning capture pages. If you want to upload your own images you can do that by upgrading to an unlimited account.
What is an overlay?
Once you choose a background image for your capture page. You choose what is called an overlay. This is a see through box that goes over the image you have chosen so that you can capture your visitors name and email address and get them Onya List and send them to a site you are promoting. There are 2 overlays right now and more will be added.
Are your memberships really one time payments?
YES. While we are in the launch phase our payments are all one time payments. We will be changing to a monthly payment model after the launch but if you act right now you can lock in your one time payments and you will not be billed again.
Can I Edit My Capture Pages?
Yes You Can Edit Your Capture Pages at any time. Just Go to My Pages and click on the edit button and you can make any changes you like on the page. Be sure to click the save button at the bottom of that page after you make your edits
On the unlimited account how do you use the redirect links effectively?
In an unlimited account you have the ability to enter 2 redirect links and a custom page. We call this a sales funnel.
Let's say you have a list about pets, and you create a capture page to get people to join your pets list. Your redirects should be links to pages that sell pet accessories, books on training pets, or something that is pet related so your sales funnel has a consistent theme.
What should I use the custom page for?
The custom page is the last chance you get to persuade the user to take an action, read something, refer someone, or buy something.
If they have closed your first 2 redirects without taking action, this is the page where you want to show them an irresistible offer.
This custom page is not yet available but it will be in the next couple of days
How do I add a video to my pages?
If you have an unlimited account you simply click on the video template create your page and where it says - Enter YouTube Embed Code Here: - enter the code in the white box below.
If you want your video to autoplay when a user comes to your capture page you need to add this to your code after the YouTube link. ?rel=0&autoplay=1
Make sure you use the standard YouTube video size of 560 wide x 315 deep.
You can also add video to a basic page you created and it will convert to a video page.
When and how do I get paid?
We pay you weekly. You can get paid by payza, paypal or by check.
Be sure to go to your profile page and enter your payment details. The first commission run will start on Friday, July 26th and will continue weekly after that.
What membership levels are available?
There are two membership levels. Professional which is a basic membership and unlimited which provides you with much more flexibility at the site. Everyone signs up as a Professional and you can upgrade your account to unlimited when you sign up or upgrade in the members area to unlimited. Note: You will pay more for the unlimited membership in the members area so it is best to grab the discounted unlimited membership as you sign up.
What is the Cost to Join Onyalist?
There are two membership levels.
The Professional membership is a one time payment of 47.00. The Unlimited Membership is an an additional 67.00 provided you grab the one time offer as you sign up. It is $97.00 in the members area.
All payments are one time payments. If you take up these memberships now you will never have to pay again.
What auto-responders can I add to my capture page?
You can add an Aweber or Get Response , GVO, Rocket responder or List Wire to your capture pages. In fact almost any auto responder that you use can be added to Onyalist just by inserting a small code
Do you have a training section in OnyaList?
YES. There are training videos in the members area and our first full live webinar is on Saturday July 20th at 12 noon EST. We will send out the link for that prior to the that date.
Do you have a WP developers license?
A Developers License is in the works and we will announce it when it is ready.
Do I have to use an auto-responder with onyaList?
NO. You can choose to add an Auto-Responder if you wish, but you do not have to. Onyalist will capture your leads for you and store them in your leads section under the Page name. You can create your capture page with NONE checked and if you change your mind later you can add an Aweber or GetResponse Auto- Responder at any time.
I have Getresponse. Do my leads go into my auto-responder and my back office?
YES! They go in both your get response auto-responder and your back office.
There will always be a number people who do not validate for a variety of reasons. Having them in your back office allows you to send your offer to them again and this give you a second chance to get them on your responder. You should offer a bigger incentive to encourage them to signup again and confirm.
Most auto-responders do not allow you to resend the validation email and that lead is lost. Onyalist gives you that second chance.
Where do I upload my images?
Click on Background Images in the members area and you will see the - Upload a background image - link at the top of the page. Before you upload your own image, please take a look at our About Image page in the members area. This tells you what kind of images you are allowed to use and what kind are forbidden.
How many capture pages can we have going at the same time?
Depending on your membership, as many as you want. With the pro membership you get 10 pages. With the unlimited membership you get unlimited pages. You will see this offer as you signup. Most members choose the unlimited package as well.
Where do I go to resize large images?
Try gimp editor - its free
My question was not answered by the FAQ-What do I do?
If you do not see the answer you need in our FAQ answers, just contact us through the support desk. Your questions will be answered within 24 to 48 hours usually less. If you want to be sure your receive our answer, please use a gmail address when you contact support.
What Does The Pinging Box Do On The Create Page at OnyaList?
When you check the ping 50 weblogs when you create your Capture Page. That pinging lets the search engines know what new content has just come on the net. You should choose ping the weblogs before you save your capture page.
Where ShouldI Promote my Capture Page?
We have many resources listed in the members area of Onyalist that will give you free or inexpensive and effective place to promote your capture pages and get those all important leads into your OnyaList account. You will find them on the menu item in your members area that says Resources.
You can also review a post we did not this here:
How Do I Know My Affiliate Link Is Working?
To test your affiliate link, click on the pay button that says 47.00. Your name appears right at the top of the pay button. It also appears at the top of the 67.00 offer that your buyers get once they purchase the professional membership for 47.00. So you can make 2 commissions from one paid member sign up and that will appear in your commission page in the members area.
Who Owns and Operates OnyaList?
Who Owns and Operates OnyaList?
Jane Mark and Phil Basten are the owners and developers of OnyaList.
Over the past 13 years they have developed over 60 advertising sites
for businesses online. They personally manage OnyaList and have personal contact with all members
You can read about their history online right here from their flagship site, Sokule
A Full Listing of their best known advertising sites can be found here:
You can contact them through the support desk at the site or at:
JAM Marketing Inc
736 Broadway 4th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Follow at Twitter https://twitter.com/sokule
Friend at facebook https://facebook.com/janemark
Track at Sokule https://sokule.com/postit/sokule
How do I get my GVO code to work?
Log into your members area, go to training, then go to PDF training. You will see a PDF file that shows you where to find the GVO Campaign Code.
Help! My capture page is not loading?
If your page comes up blank or does not load properly, make sure your page name has no spaces or special characters like hyphens, exclamation marks, underscores or slashes. Your page name should be letters only (preferably with a keyword in them).
What is the best way to use onyalist?
1) Make sure your lead title is relevant to or has something to do with the background you are using. Example; if you are using a beach background - Talk about how your subscribers can make money while they relax on the beach. (2) make sure the pages you enter in your sales funnel relate to the main theme of your capture page. If you have a list on email marketing make sure the products you offer in your funnel offer the same or a similar product, service or course.
What is a sales funnel?
Think of a sales funnel as a fishing net instead of a fishing rod. You are trying to cast a wide net in your niche and bring people to a focal point. The pages you enter in your sales funnel should relate to the main theme of your capture page. If you have a list that deals with dog training tips, your first redirect link might be to a site on dog training accessories, your next link might be to a course you have written on dog training, and your 3rd page (a custom page) might be a page where you give a valuable free gift on this topic if your prospect takes a specific action.
What size does my image need to be to upload it?
Your image size should be a minimum of 2000 pixels wide x 1100 pixels deep for it to show right as a background on your page. You will find at the various image sites you visit that images sizes vary when you are selecting images over 2000 pixels wide. You may see sizes like these 2122 x 1415 | 2356 x 1571 | 2508 x 1672 and others. These are the size images you should purchase. Gimp editor is great for resizing images. You can download gimp editor free here - https://getgimp.com/
What Is Social Posting?
Once you create a capture page at Onyalist, you can send it off to Facebook, Twitter, Sokule and Yakamore with just 1 click and let everyone know about the new page you just created. You can do this daily with just a simple click of a button.
Can I Add a Count Down Timer To My Capture Page
Yes. If you are making an offer that is time sensitive, you can add a count down timer to your capture page. You will find it in the Special Settings in your members area. This application is open to Unlimited members of OnyaList only.
Can I Put My Profile Image or Logo On My Capture Page?
Yes, you can. Go to Special Settings in the members area and you will find that application there. This application is open to unlimited members of OnyaList only
Can I Add a Phone Number Field To My Capture Page?
Yes you can add a phone number field to your capture Page. You will find this application in Special settings in Your Members Area. This application is open to unlimited members of Onyalist.
Does Onyalist Have A Mailer?
Yes-You will be able to purchase access to the Onyalist Mailer. This is a separate purchase from your Onyalist Membership. This mailer is very special and there is a live demo of how it works in the training section of OnyaList. The Cost Is 29.95 per month for a list up to 2500 members.
Do You Have Promotion Tools Available for Onyalist?
Yes we have banner ads and email adds and Google ads in the members area and they all contain your Onyalist affiliate link in them.
How Do I Get Leads For My Capture Pages?
Onyalist shows you how to get leads in the training tapes it offers in the members area. You will also have access to the resource tools that we use to get hundreds of leads a day.
What Does an Unlimited Membership Give Me?
An unlimited membership allows you to create as many capture pages as you like. You can also add video to your page. You can add up to three redirects to your capture page. You can create a custom page of your own and add that to your sales funnel. You can add a phone number field and your profile image or a logo to your capture page. You can add a count down timer to your page and you can add Google analytics. An unlimited membership gives you much more flexibility than a professional level membership. As you sign up watch for the oto offer for this membership level or read the upgrade offer in the members area
What Do I Get With The Basic Professional Membership Level?
The basic professional level lets you create 10 capture pages, add an auto responder to it and add one redirect link to it. Please see unlimited membership in the FAQ to see all of the features that come with that membership level.
What Is OnyaList Done For You
OnyaList Done For You Is a Special Service that anyone can order if they would like to have a professional capture page , custom pages and sales funeel created for them and promoted for them. That is a separate service that you can view here.
Can I Add Google Analytics To My Pages?
Yes you can add Google Analytics to both your capture page and your custom page if you are an unlimited member of OnyaList
What Auto Responders Can I Use With OnyaList?
Currently you can use Aweber, Get Response, or GVO with your OnyaList Capture Pages . Those are some of the best known auto responders. But, in Fact, you can attach almost any auto responder that you use to Onyalist by simply inserting a special code from your auto responder.
What is Social Posting at OnyaList?
Anytime you create a capture page at OnyaList. You can instantly send it out to Facebook, Twitter, Sokule and Yakamore so your page gets instant exposure on these Social Media Sites
What Is The OnyaList Mailer?
The Onyalist Mailer is a separate tool in the Onyalist members area that members can use to contact any or all of the leads they build at OnyaList. It is a hybrid between a list mailer and an auto responder and much easier to use than any auto responder. It is perfect for people who want to build lists and contact the leads that they build. They can use the OnyaList mailer daily.
What If Someone Wants To Unsubscribe From My OnyaList Mailer Lists
There is an unsubscribe link in every email that goes out from the OnyaList Mailer.
However sometimes one of your list members will request to be removed personally by you. For whatever reason they have decided not to use the unsubscribe link...
If you get a remove request, do NOT ignore it. Simply follow this simple procedure.
Go to the My Leads Page in the members area of OnyaList
Search for them by name, email, phone. number or list name.
That will bring up the person requesting the unsubscribe
Next to their details is a delete button and you simply check that and click the delete button and you are done.
If they are on more than one list of yours, delete them from all.
What Are Special Settings?
Special Setting are available to Unlimited members at Onyalist and include such tools as adding a timer, adding a profile picture of image to capture page, resize the capture page overlays, posting to social media sites, adding a phone number. customizing your leave stay messages on your sales funnel and others to be added in the future.
What Are Video Backgrounds?
Video Backgrounds are special videos (many with sound) that Onyalist has specifically set up to be used with our capture pages. There is an additional cost for using the Video Backgrounds. 97.00 one time or 9.95 per month. Members earn 20% commission on sales of the video background service.
What Is A Founding Membership
A Founding Membership at Onyalist Provides you with all the features of an unlimited membership plus gives you access to the Onyalist mailer and the Video Backgrounds. It comes with 10 million sokens at Sokule plus 2 additional outside mailers which give you access to over 55,000 members that you can mail to for life. You will find this membership in
the members area of Onyalist. In order to collect a comm-ission on the sale of a founding membership at Onyalist, you must be a founding member and the commission for this membership level is 20%
How Often Do You Pay Commissions?
We pay commissions monthly. A commission must age for 30 days from the date of purchase and then the commission will get paid at the end of the following month.